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- /* SAS/C: sc PCalcSphere.c opt math=standard INCDIR=INCLUDES:
- **
- ** This is a demo of a spinning sphere consisting entirely of dots. The
- ** object is pre-calculated into a set of animations for maximum speed.
- **
- ** WARNING: This demo will take a long time before it begins, and you
- ** must have at least 512k of memory available.
- */
- #include <proto/dpkernel.h>
- #include <system/debug.h>
- #include <math.h>
- BYTE *ProgName = "Spinning Sphere";
- BYTE *ProgAuthor = "Paul Manias";
- BYTE *ProgDate = "February 1998";
- BYTE *ProgCopyright = "DreamWorld Productions (c) 1996-1998. Freely distributable.";
- BYTE *ProgShort = "3-Dimensional object demonstration.";
- struct GScreen *screen;
- struct JoyData *jport;
- void Demo(void);
- void CalcFrames(void);
- #define AMTDOTS 500 /* The amount of dots in the object. */
- #define FRAMES 90
- #define ANGLE (360/FRAMES)
- struct DotPixel { double X,Y,Z; };
- LONG palette[] = {
- 0x000000L,0x101010L,0x171717L,0x202020L,0x272727L,0x303030L,0x373737L,0x404040L,
- 0x474747L,0x505050L,0x575757L,0x606060L,0x676767L,0x707070L,0x777777L,0x808080L,
- 0x878787L,0x909090L,0x979797L,0xa0a0a0L,0xa7a7a7L,0xb0b0b0L,0xb7b7b7L,0xc0c0c0L,
- 0xc7c7c7L,0xd0d0d0L,0xd7d7d7L,0xe0e0e0L,0xe0e0e0L,0xf0f0f0L,0xf7f7f7L,0xffffffL
- };
- struct PixelEntry *lists[FRAMES];
- struct PixelList PixelList = {
- sizeof(struct PixelEntry),
- };
- /***********************************************************************************/
- void main(void)
- {
- WORD i;
- if (screen = InitTags(NULL,
- GSA_BitmapTags, NULL,
- BMA_Palette, palette,
- TAGEND)) {
- if (jport = Init(Get(ID_JOYDATA),NULL)) {
- for (i=0; i < FRAMES; i++) {
- lists[i] = AllocMemBlock(sizeof(struct PixelEntry)*AMTDOTS,MEM_DATA);
- }
- PixelList.Pixels = lists[i];
- CalcFrames();
- Demo();
- for (i=0; i < FRAMES; i++) {
- FreeMemBlock(lists[i]);
- }
- Free(jport);
- }
- Free(screen);
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- **
- */
- void Demo(void)
- {
- Display(screen);
- do {
- Query(jport);
- Clear(screen->Bitmap);
- PixelList.Pixels = lists[i];
- DrawPixelList(screen->Bitmap,&PixelList);
- i++;
- if (i >= FRAMES) {
- i = NULL;
- }
- WaitAVBL();
- SwapBuffers(screen);
- } while(!(jport->Buttons & JD_LMB));
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Longtitude deterimines the position of the dot on the horizontal axis.
- ** Latitude determines the position of the dot on the vertical axis.
- */
- void CalcFrames(void)
- {
- struct DotPixel *object=NULL; /* Pointer to our 3D object */
- double *sine=NULL; /* Pointer to our sine table */
- double *cosine=NULL; /* Pointer to our cosine table */
- WORD i,j;
- WORD offsetx = (screen->Width/2);
- WORD offsety = (screen->Height/2);
- double angle = 0;
- LONG scale = 60;
- UWORD anglex = 0, angley = 0, anglez = 0;
- double temp;
- ULONG colour;
- double Z2,X2,Y2;
- double longtitude;
- double latitude;
- struct PixelEntry *Entry;
- DMsg("Allocating 3D calculation memory.");
- if (object = AllocMemBlock(sizeof(struct DotPixel)*AMTDOTS,MEM_DATA)) {
- if (sine = AllocMemBlock(sizeof(double)*360,MEM_DATA)) {
- if (cosine = AllocMemBlock(sizeof(double)*360,MEM_DATA)) {
- /* First calculate the X, Y and Z coordinates of our object */
- DMsg("Calculating the object's coordinates.");
- for (i = 0; i < AMTDOTS; i++) {
- longtitude = FastRandom(100);
- latitude = FastRandom(100);
- object[i].X = sin(longtitude)*cos(latitude);
- object[i].Y = sin(longtitude)*sin(latitude);
- object[i].Z = cos(longtitude);
- }
- DMsg("Generating sine and cosine tables.");
- /* Now generate our cosine and sinus tables */
- for (i = 0; i < 360; i++) {
- cosine[i] = cos(angle);
- sine[i] = sin(angle);
- angle += 0.25;
- }
- /* Do our big pre-calculation loop */
- DMsg("Big calculation loop is starting now...");
- for (j = 0; j < FRAMES; j++) {
- Entry = lists[j];
- DPrintF("Frame:","%d",j);
- for (i = 0; i < AMTDOTS; i++) {
- X2 = object[i].X;
- Y2 = object[i].Y;
- Z2 = object[i].Z;
- temp = Z2;
- Z2 = (Z2 * cosine[anglex]) - (Y2 * sine[anglex]);
- Y2 = (Y2 * cosine[anglex]) + (temp * sine[anglex]);
- colour = ((Z2+1)*screen->Bitmap->AmtColours)/2;
- X2 *= scale;
- Y2 *= scale;
- Entry->XCoord = X2+offsetx;
- Entry->YCoord = Y2+offsety;
- Entry->Colour = colour;
- Entry++;
- }
- anglex += ANGLE; if (anglex >= 360) anglex = 0;
- angley += ANGLE; if (angley >= 360) angley = 0;
- anglez += ANGLE; if (anglez >= 360) anglez = 0;
- }
- FreeMemBlock(cosine);
- }
- FreeMemBlock(sine);
- }
- FreeMemBlock(object);
- }
- }